Advocacy For Foster Children

Who We Are

About Advocacy for Foster Children

Who We Are

About Advocacy for Foster Children

Advocacy for Foster Children was founded in 2015 by Mike and Carol McMahon and received its tax exemption status a year later. This Child Placing Charity strives to make it easier for foster children to find loving and kind foster parents who can help them during difficult times. Children often have to navigate the foster care system with little support from well-meaning, but overburdened agencies. ACF was created as an avenue of support to aid the State in reducing the nationally-known deficit of foster homes. It strives to cater to the urgent need of a great resource for the Foster Parents Community.

We advocate for children who require foster care and other support services while in foster care. Our role is to help establish and expand the local support opportunities and provide information, training, recruitment, referrals, and network for new and existing foster parents. ACF strives to bring awareness towards the dire need for stable, safe, and caring families to care for children in State Custody.

ACF was established after the personal experience of two giving grandparents who helped foster more than 15 children in their lives and continue to support 4 adopted children and their foster parents. Our organization hopes to create enough foster care parent recruitment and retention to care for every child in need assigned to us.


We envision a world where all children are safe from harm in a loving and nurturing home so that they can develop normally and enjoy a high quality of life. We believe that every child can grow to their full potential in the right environment.


Our mission is to increase non-relative continuity of care for foster children by recruiting, training, and supporting trusted adults that can provide immediate safety, care, and well-being in a loving home. These children are in State Custody due to substantiated child abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Our aim is to piece broken lives back together.